Friday, March 28, 2008

Great News For Kids To Adopt

We have received wonderful news that Kids To Adopt has now been Hague accredited!!! This process is so extremely expensive and time consuming for them. Their dedication has been outstanding!!!! It has been in the works for over a year now. They certainly deserve it, as they have been so very wonderful to work with us. A big CONGRATS goes to Kids To Adopt and I know that all of us out here are grateful to them for bringing our families together with all their hard work. WHAT A TOUGH JOB!!!!! But, they have made it a Great job and well done!!!! We love you!!!!

Karissa had her surgery on her ear and it has been a success...Praise God!!!!! She has really felt weak with this one and just wants to sit in my lap with my hand placed over her ear. I think she will need some Mommy time. But, can't get much done like this. She has been in my lap since we got home from Lubbock this morning. She has taken her pain meds and is peacefully sleeping now. I thought I would use this time to write a little. she is up and wanting me to throw down my computer. We are doing two things around here....healing and waiting!!!! Many blessings to you all and will let you know when I find out any news!!!!

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