Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Exploring With Katie Aunna

Katie exploring toothpaste...Yummy!!!!
Katie Aunna exploring EVERYTHING!!!!
More Exploring;-)
Murmansk Court House
Harbor of Murmansk

Today Katie Aunna has some tummy troubles. The one medication I did not bring was kiddie tummy medicine. I may go to the pharmacy if she does not stop having loose stools. But, this is pretty normal when they first get out of the orphanage with the stress and change in their diet. The other couple with us has some adult antidiarrheal medication if I can not find any for children here.

Katie Aunna slept with us last night and tossed and turned all night long. She sleeps like Kisty when she was a little girl...kicks like a mule...ha ha. Needless to say....We are all tired today....except Katie Aunna. She just wants to explore everything!!!! We took her to the toy store and she was in total awe. I really don't think she had ever seen such a thing as she just kept saying "OIY" and looking around with her hands on her face.
Her eyes were like two big silver dollars. She found a little puzzle that is a of the words I can say in Russian is bear. Duane and I puzzled on piecing it together at lunch. We gave up and sat it down...away she went to work and with a little help, put it together;-).

Duane took some pictures today and I have posted them. Katie Aunna talks a lot to me in Russian and I think she believes I can understand her every word. It is pretty funny. She is a little more receptive to learning English today. We have been looking at her word book and she is repeating words of pictures in English. But, I know she does not realize what she is saying. Although, in time she will have very good language skills. Her Russian is excellent.

Just want to close with telling you kids how extremely much I miss you and just simply can not wait to come home to you. Katie Aunna is darling and you all will really love her. She knows your names pretty well and still has the pictures that we put together in the album on the last trip. I love you guys!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

she looks more like you in that luggage shot by the door than any of your other kids, bio or adopted, she is your mini-me. I am so happy for you!
Amy O.